Pre-Order Updates

This page is updated the first of every month. It is accurate at the time, and will remain accurate unless otherwise noted. If you have not received a shipping notification for your order please check this list to see its status. If you have seen us post about it on social media, it no longer indicated as a pre-order, or is not on this list, please contact us referencing your order number. 


February 1, 2024 UPDATE 

New World Man – ‘The Beast is Back’

These are shipping the first week of February. If your order did not ship, it is still waiting on another pre-order. See below. 

Bayway – ‘World of Bayway’

More vinyl and cassettes were missed on the most recent shipment. We will have more sometime in February.


The Chisel - 'What A Fucking Nightmare'

Waiting on Sony to dispatch. These will likely arrive late next week; however it will be after Northern Scene is semi-closed. We will try and get them out but they may not ship until Feb 21.  

Earth Crisis - 'Firestorm'

We have had no update from the distributor regarding these. Not sure what is going on. Check back for more details in a few weeks. 

Rejoice - 'All of Heaven's Luck'

Sometime in February hopefully.

BANE - 'Don't Wait Up'

We have been advised that the Canadian release date is now in March. 

Haywire - 'Condition for Demolition'



Weapon X Merch

We were told Jan 29 that everything is done and printed. We now just need them to ship to us and clear customs. Unfortunately, they will likely arrive at the customs depot while I am away and I am the only person authorized to clear them. They will begin shipping around Feb 21. Thanks for your patience. 

Rejoice Merch